Gemini Horoscope for September 2024

Monthly News from Susan Miller


Dear Reader,

My new The Year Ahead 2025 Astrological Calendar has been printed and shipped to our fulfillment house outside of Philadelphia. It’s waiting for your order! The colors of Izak Zenou’s artwork are particularly rich and beautiful! I tell Izak, my favorite French artist, “I love the lifestyle and world you bring me into.” I call it “Izak’s world” and I tell him, “I want to live in it!”
My costs are higher this year, but I kept the price of the calendar to you the same as always—$26.99 plus shipping. It is entirely made and printed in the United States. By buying one you are supporting Astrology Zone and helping me to keep the site free and available to everyone worldwide.

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Your September 2024 Horoscope for Gemini

by Susan Miller

You will find September has a faster pace than last month because your ruler Mercury was retrograde in August. If you felt that every two steps forward you took resulted in two steps backward, that would sound right. September will allow you to be more productive, especially from September 11 onward when Mercury returns to full power.

Meanwhile, Mars will move to Cancer on September 4, to stay until November 3. This means you may be spending more than usual, but it also indicates that you will be more intent on finding new ways to make money. Cancer rules your home, so you might be moving, renovating, or purchasing new furniture or accessories for your house, or buying items for your children or other family members.

Emphasizing your home, you have an important new moon on September 2 in Virgo at 11 degrees, which is another signal that your homelife is where your focus will be these days. Saturn will oppose this new moon from your career sector, so you’ll need to continue to please clients and your boss while you handle all the commotion that might be going on at your house (or other property you may own or rent or in regard to a family member). It will be quite a juggling act.

A new moon in your home-oriented fourth house only comes once a year, so this new moon will open a gate to allow you to be highly productive regarding anything you need to accomplish on your to-do list, whether your goal is big (moving house or renovating) or small (painting some walls or chosing new furniture or accessories to brighten up your décor). Saturn rules your financial eighth house, which covers credit, investments, inheritances, bonuses, and other funds labeled “other people’s money,” so I see you are concerned about the cash that might be leaving your savings account. You may feel like you’re spending “Monopoly money” (from the game), with checks flying out the window at a rapid pace. You will be moving into a period of personal financial reward next year, starting in June 2025, which will be one the best financial years of your life, so don’t worry unnecessarily.

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