Your September 2024 Horoscope for Capricorn
by Susan MillerAs you get to the end of the month, you might sense the upcoming appearance of the most important eclipse for you, the new moon solar eclipse on October 2 in Libra, 10 degrees, which could open the door to a new professional opportunity for you. Mars will be working at cross-purposes to that eclipse, so you will have to work through the obstacles, but I still feel this could be a good chance to rise through the ranks to a new position.
Mars rules your home sector, so you may feel the commute to the job would be too long or exhausting, or the job might require a relocation, which could bring protests from your mate or children. Of course, you would have to check their feelings first before accepting the job. You might be able to work at the company headquarters once or twice a week and work the rest of the time from home. Everyone’s situation is different, so I cannot say what you will decide, for there is no predestination in astrology. I feel you might be able to talk through obstacles with your present or future employer and may arrive at a good solution.
Venus, having just left Libra, will be in Scorpio and be the lead planet at the October 2 eclipse, and at that time, happily, Venus will form a water-sign golden triangle, receiving beams from Mars in Cancer and Saturn in Pisces. This is the reason why I feel with effort you can prevail and get through the roadblocks to the job.
Will there be any time for love? Yes. Single or attached, the move of Venus into Scorpio and your eleventh house of social fun should show an uptick of outings with friends who mean the most to you. Venus will remain in highly compatible Scorpio from September 22 to October 17, so you will have time to relax and have fun. Looking ahead to next month when Mars reaches out to his lover Venus (they are called the “cosmic lovers” for a reason) on October 8, you may have quite a magical romantic evening. That’s a Tuesday, but don’t let that stop you—love comes on the wings of Cupid’s little cherub angels regardless of our calendars!