Capricorn Horoscope for September 2024

Your September 2024 Horoscope for Capricorn

by Susan Miller

The solar eclipse of October 2 is well aspected, but Mars will be in a cranky mood, which might mean your spouse or business partner, agent, or expert collaborator might want to talk you out of the job offer. You need to keep your own counsel this time. Listen to their advice with an open mind, but in the end, decide if you are excited by the position or not.

The only possible drawback seems to be that you might find you live far from the company headquarters of the job you are considering and that it would require a long commute or a relocation. This is not a definite requirement (looking at your chart), but see how you feel.

Venus will take control of that eclipse October 2, so a friend could go out of her way to put your name on the short list of candidates for this position. Venus will also be in superb conversation with your ruler Saturn, which tells me that in the end you can get over the obstacles if the offer sounds intriguing to you.

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