Your January 2025 Horoscope for Capricorn
by Susan MillerSUMMARY
Each year you are given one personal new moon in Capricorn to use any way you please. Most months you need to look at the area of your chart where the new moon falls in order to take full advantage of your opportunity. However, as January opens, the new moon that appeared in Capricorn just two days prior to the start of the month will give you carte blanche, and this may mark a major moment in your timeline.
This special first new moon influencing the New Year appeared on December 30, and it will affect you for weeks and months to come. This year the new moon was beautifully supported by your ruler Saturn, a big advantage.
It’s time to take out your wish list and choose the one item that you’ve decided is most important to you. Take steps toward that goal the moment the month begins. Saturn’s support will bring you help from older people (possibly a mentor, teacher, mature friend, or family member), and with consistent effort you will see that, indeed, you can capture that goal.
This also would be the right time to examine other goals and dreams to see if you are still passionate about fulfilling them. A new moon in your own sign, as you have now, will give you the opportunity to realign your life in a meaningful way. You have grown and matured since your last birthday, and it’s possible that some of your previous goals don’t hold the same meaning and importance to you that they once did. You may have a new definition of what makes you truly happy, so you may want to say goodbye to some old goals and add some new ones.