Capricorn Horoscope for January 2025

Your January 2025 Horoscope for Capricorn

by Susan Miller

Some examples of creative business collaborators would be a writer and her editor, a photographer and an art director, a musician and a talented producer, or a first violinist and an orchestra conductor. This colleague may have a sensational, exciting idea about how to deal with the material that you have presented. When you hear the idea, you will know instantly that this is the way to go!

You will also get support from Neptune in Pisces and the Sun in Capricorn during the full moon in Cancer on January 13. Neptune governs the arts and music and currently resides in your communication sector. This lovely planet of inspiration will supply the words you may need if you’re composing the lyrics to a song or constructing a poem. Neptune could also give you the perfect intuitive way to handle a script if you are an actor working on your character.

Neptune is soft, loving, and imaginative in this type of aspect (a trine), so you should continue to work on your project for at least 90 minutes because you are likely to move toward a breakthrough in that time.

At the end of the month you will come to the most wonderful new moon I have seen in ages. It will appear on January 29 in Aquarius, 10 degrees, and will be influential for months, but especially the first 10 days after it appears, bringing you into the first eight days of February.

This new moon in Aquarius on January 29 will light your second house of personal earned income. The most exciting part of this new moon is that Jupiter, the planet of good fortune now in Gemini and based in your work-a-day assignment house, will beam dazzling golden rays to this new moon and Sun.

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