Capricorn Horoscope for August 2024

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Your Horoscope for Capricorn

by Susan Miller

On August 7 you are likely to get a very well-paying client or new assignment thanks to the collaboration between Jupiter and the Sun.

On August 14 Jupiter will align with Mars in your work-a-day sector, so you may be assigned to a very special project. Mars is about action, so on this day, action leads to generous profit thanks to Jupiter.

The financial theme will continue at the full moon in Aquarius on August 19, but this full moon has problems due to a rogue Uranus sending chaotic, random news out of the blue. This full moon will be hard on your second house of earned income, so if someone owes you money that you had depended on receiving, you may be told it is coming late—or not at all. Knowing this, don’t spend before that check arrives and clears your bank account. You might consider asking for a 50 percent deposit before work begins.

It is alternatively possible that you’ll run into an expense you had not counted on or that you’ll get sticker shock when you open your monthly credit card statement and see how much you owe. You may have recently spent a lot on various sales or items for your office (if self-employed) without realizing how those costs were adding up. You will find a way to polish off that bill and avoid that happening in the future by checking your credit card app on your phone from time to time. Still, not all surprises can be avoided. Sometimes a car battery dies or an air conditioner goes on the fritz. These things do happen, and I am so sorry to have to report this.

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