Capricorn Horoscope for August 2024

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Your Horoscope for Capricorn

by Susan Miller

I am so happy to report that readers love Moonlight Phases and use it every day (just as we do around the office). I have even won a Media Excellence Award in Los Angeles for excellence in content and navigation on Moonlight Phases. I had GPS built into this app (something I do for all my apps) for accuracy in all time zones worldwide. When you travel, the app will adjust to wherever you are.

Coming back to your forecast, there is no doubt that you will be quite a money magnet in early August. The reason I am so optimistic about your prospects to see a large bundle of cash roll in outside of your salary is that this new moon will receive glittering golden aspects from both high-action Mars and good-fortune Jupiter.

Both Mars and Jupiter are traveling together in Gemini in your house of work-a-day matters (personal and professional assignments). The fact that Jupiter and Mars are traveling in Gemini, the sign of the Twins, suggests you may get two large sums of money, possibly unrelated to each other.

Your sixth house, where Mars and Jupiter are based, also rules health, so if you need a procedure, chances are it will be covered by your health insurance policy—call to find out. I have found that insurance companies love it when customers communicate with them prior to surgery or a procedure. Jupiter will bring a generous sum, and Mars will give you the impetus to take care of your health and secure the money you need (for any purpose).

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