Your September 2024 Horoscope for Cancer
by Susan MillerYou are coming into your own, dear Cancer. Mars, the energy planet, has been on a two-year journey around the Sun. On September 4 Mars will arrive in Cancer for the first time in two years, and he will remain there until November 3. This will give you two glorious months to set the agenda and push forward on key goals. When you have Mars in your own sign, it is a great privilege, and it marks the start of a new chapter that you get to write just the way you like.
Soon Mars will go retrograde, from December 6 to February 23, and that’s not great for generating new business or for initiating important new ventures. This is a period when you may feel like you are walking through glue. Mars happens to rule Cancer’s tenth house of professions, so this is not a time to look for a new, better position. If you work in sales, you will find clients are slow to make up their minds. (In truth, everyone works in sales in one way or another. That would even include the receptionist who either cheerfully and energetically answers the main phone line or sounds like she’s unhappily counting the hours and minutes until she gets to go home. In every organization, everyone sells.)
I tell you about Mars’ impending retrograde to encourage you to move up any project launch that was supposed to take place in December. You will have a far better chance of success doing this in September or October. To add to the problems of an impending slowdown due to Mars in retrograde, Mars’ little brother, Dennis-the-Menace Mercury, plans to beat his big brother to retrograde. Little copycat Mercury will go retrograde on November 25 to December 15, and this will create a black hole in holiday shopping. Get your product out early! If last year is a clue, the retailers will deck their halls with boughs of holly as soon as “Back to School” promotions are over and before Halloween even hits! They’ll have to do the same this year to save the holiday shopping season. From November 4 to January 6, you will be in high-spending mode with Mars in Leo in your second house of money.