Your September 2024 Horoscope for Aries
by Susan MillerSUMMARY
The delays brought on by Mercury retrograde that were prevalent last month (August 4 to August 28) are finally over, so when you enter September, you will notice a quickened pace. There will be things to do and people to see, so you will need to be ready. Prepare to be organized, alert, and able to hit the ground running. Mercury takes time to get up to full speed, and each day Mercury will improve—Mercury will be back to full speed by September 11.
The new moon of September 2 will energize your sixth house of work assignments. You are likely to receive a new and quite detailed assignment that you will start working on immediately. It is also possible you might hire an additional team member to help you get everything done at home or at work.
Saturn will oppose the new moon September 2, so life may bring more responsibilities than usual in the weeks to come, but be cheered knowing that once the Sun moves into Libra on September 22, the general overall heaviness environment that you might notice as you first enter September will start to lift. It may be a matter of simply easing into (and getting used to) a new routine.
A full moon lunar eclipse in Pisces (26 degrees) will arrive on September 17 in your twelfth house, which rules health and healing. This house of the horoscope also points to the range of creativity that stems from deep within your unconscious mind. This is the house that Saturn is found orbiting within, but it is in wide (11 degrees) conjunction to this full moon lunar eclipse in Pisces. This means Saturn is based on the outer fringe—in other words, on the far border of mathematical significance.