Aries Horoscope for September 2024

Your September 2024 Horoscope for Aries

by Susan Miller

A new moon in Virgo puts special emphasis on Mercury. Last month Mercury was retrograde but went direct on August 28. When Mercury awoke on August 28, he was groggy (having slept for over three weeks). Mathematically, I can see he will gradually be back to his best self by September 11.

You might find September 6 to be a difficult day. You can feel this aspect as it builds, and that means it will be within the area of influence of the new moon on September 2. The problem points to Uranus, the planet of rebellion and unpredictability, now based in your second house of savings and income, which will have a direct conflict with Mercury based in your fifth house. The result might be that you suddenly (and without warning) need to spend money to care for your child. Alternatively, because creative efforts form part of the fifth house, which is lit up for you, you might need to add personal funds to a creative project to improve it or ask the client to approve more money for it.

The fifth house, aside from children and creativity, also rules romance, so you may find you will need to spend quite a bit more money than you assumed you would for an upcoming social event. You won’t see this coming because the nature of Uranus is to bring news you would never consider within the realm of possibility.

Someone you respect may be critical of you on Saturday, September 7, for the Sun will oppose Saturn that day. Your feelings may be hurt by the criticism. Take the feedback to make your performance better, but don’t be crushed by the words that will come from someone in authority whose opinion you respect. In one or two days, you will be feeling great again—I promise!

Turning to another topic, you have a lot of emphasis on home and family because Mars, your ruling planet, is about to enter Cancer on September 4, to stay until November 3. Although you have a lot going on with your career, with a possible big leap up the ladder of success, you will also be keeping an eye on changes within your physical home or other property you may you may be focused on. If you are working on your décor, you may be looking for a new handsome piece of furniture, such as a couch or rug, for example, to give a room a beautiful upgrade. Some Aries will be looking for a new place to live and will be browsing Internet sites.

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