Aries Horoscope for September 2024

Your September 2024 Horoscope for Aries

by Susan Miller

Still, there is hope. Migrating planets are again moving into position to form another golden triangle, linking Mars in your fourth sector of home to Venus in your financial eighth house of money (credit, loans, insurance payouts, court settlements, bonuses, and other funds) and both Mars and Venus will contact Saturn in you twelfth house of confidential matters in a friendly way. Mars will be in Cancer, Venus in Scorpio, and Saturn in Pisces, forming an emotional water-sign trine of harmony. If the person you are working with (or married to) means a great deal to you, you can try different techniques to improve the relationship.

At the October 2 solar eclipse, Venus will be in charge. The fact that you have a beautifully aspected Venus suggests that ultimately, you will benefit from the October 2 eclipse by joining forces with another person—in love or business. It could be the person you are currently with or a different person—your choice. If you are happily dating, you might get engaged or wed. As you see, an eclipse tends to deliver news in extremes—get engaged or wed, or leave without regret. The point is, make a decision, and you will be freed to move forward.

If you need to form a legal partnership with an expert at work, that would be an alternate possibility in early October. The one thing an eclipse will not let you do is sit on the fence, not sure which way to go. You will need to voice your feelings and move ahead without delay.

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