Your September 2024 Horoscope for Aries
by Susan MillerThese sweet aspects suggest that your new assignment will offer you a chance to bring your career to new heights—and with a new job or a promotion to be paid well, too. Don’t be shy about asking for the salary increase you feel you deserve—you are likely to be surprised how quickly your “ask” will be approved.
As you get to the end of the month, you will be close to the solar (new moon) eclipse in Libra, due on October 2. This eclipse will put an emphasis on your marriage and partnerships and open new possibilities for making a commitment. Mars will be in hard angle to this solar eclipse October 2, and because Mars is your ruler, it carries more weight.
This eclipse October 2 will only apply to you if you have been unhappy in your marriage, with someone you have been dating seriously, or in a close, committed collaboration in business. You may be concerned about how the relationship has been going for some time. This eclipse may bring a reason for you to make a decision now, to work to improve the relationship, or give up on it.
Sometimes during an eclipse, a person is “eclipsed out” of your life. If this is how the October 2 eclipse works out, it would point to someone close with whom you have had a troubled relationship—this eclipse may bring the final straw that breaks the camel’s back. It would come as a flash of insight that things are never going to improve, only worsen. In this case, it is time to decide whether to stay or go, without regret.