Your September 2024 Horoscope for Aries
by Susan MillerComplicating life a little at the lunar eclipse in Pisces on September 17 is the presence of Neptune in your twelfth house. Neptune’s presence there suggests if you feel something is “off” with your health, it might take a little longer than usual to properly diagnose you. Be patient. If the doctor orders tests that turn out to be inconclusive, consider redoing the tests, or seek a second opinion. You might be sensitive to certain medicines at this time. If the medicine your doctor prescribes is new to you, ask about any possible side effects.
The twelfth house is an area of healing—if you are troubled psychologically, seek a therapist this month on, or a day or two after, September 17. Your timing would be excellent for gleaning insight from the therapist. If you have had a dependence on a substance for some time that you’ve struggled to be free of, this is your chance to go into rehab and shed that dependance once and for all.
Fortunately, at the eclipse September 17, three important heavenly bodies will join hands to create a golden triangle of harmony in the heavens. The Sun in Virgo is in your work project house and will be in perfect attitude to Uranus in Taurus in your financial second house, and both Uranus and the Sun will beam their golden rays to Pluto in Capricorn and your prestigious tenth house of career leadership and achievement. This results in a “grand trine” of three powerful celestial bodies that are all based in logical, practical earth signs (Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn), and they are all are ready to elevate your status in your industry.
The bottom line from that grand trine of planets is this: The daily work projects that you will be concentrating on in September will have the power to bring you applause and a promotion, or you may receive an offer from a competitive firm for a new position several months later in January. Don’t assume that industry VIPs aren’t noticing your good work—clearly, they are paying attention to you!