Aries Horoscope for September 2024

Monthly News from Susan Miller


Dear Reader,

My new The Year Ahead 2025 Astrological Calendar has been printed and shipped to our fulfillment house outside of Philadelphia. It’s waiting for your order! The colors of Izak Zenou’s artwork are particularly rich and beautiful! I tell Izak, my favorite French artist, “I love the lifestyle and world you bring me into.” I call it “Izak’s world” and I tell him, “I want to live in it!”
My costs are higher this year, but I kept the price of the calendar to you the same as always—$26.99 plus shipping. It is entirely made and printed in the United States. By buying one you are supporting Astrology Zone and helping me to keep the site free and available to everyone worldwide.

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Your September 2024 Horoscope for Aries

by Susan Miller

Saturn will have his fingerprints all over September, but the key point to remember is the deeper you get into the month, the easier it will get. There will be a number of grumpy planets stomping around in the first two weeks, but you’ve faced them before, and you are getting adept at handling their challenges.

This month also holds a full moon lunar eclipse on September 17, which I will detail later in your report. This eclipse is not in Aries or your opposite sign of Libra (also affecting you). Eclipses in those signs were much more demanding of you, and appeared on April 19, 2023, and October 14, 2023, and earlier this year on March 24, 2024, and April 8, 2024. You only have one more to go, next month on October 2 in Libra, and it will be a gentler one. That one is a new moon, known to be generally more friendly because a new moon refreshes the house it falls in by offering opportunity.

You may have felt buffeted by strong cosmic winds, blown off course, or even uprooted by the force of one or two of the eclipses listed. Eclipses are known to force radical change when in your own birth sign or opposite sign (Libra) and within mathematical closeness to your Sun, natal moon, or a natal planet in your chart. Eclipses look for outworn, unproductive, unhappy situations that need to be corrected.

Alternatively, if you have learned as much as you will from a certain job or other situation, you may be forced out of it (at no fault of your own), and you will likely see the eclipse did you a favor as you rise in wisdom and insight afterwards. If the eclipse finds nothing to correct, you’ll sail through the eclipse in good shape. You only have one more eclipse in the series that might affect you, due next month on October 2, so after that you can rest, as a new family of eclipses is moving into Pisces and Virgo. The eclipse of October 2 will focus on your marriage or serious romantic relationship, or on a business alliance. I have written more details about the October 2 eclipse later in your report.

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