Aries Horoscope for January 2025

Your January 2025 Horoscope for Aries

by Susan Miller

Declinations can sound too technical, so let me put it in easier terms. The way we find a city on the globe is to use longitude, starting with GMT (Greenwich Mean Time). However, there are lots of cities found along the longitude, so to pinpoint the city we are looking for, we need latitude, too. When we track planets, it’s similar to longitude, but their movements are also tracked by a mathematical system similar to latitude called declinations.

Suffice to say, this month Mars will be very active, so you will be focused quite a bit on your home life—its physical space (including other property you own or rent) and also on your immediate family and parents. This is an upcoming trend that will become noticeable after January 6.

Mars has been opposed to Pluto for a long time and will still be in opposition though the first half of January. Mars retrograde will gradually move out of this difficult position by the second half of January.

You have felt this for weeks, and again, this has not been easy. They will reach exact opposition on January 2 and then start moving slowly apart. Although everybody of every sign will feel this aspect, the fact that you (and Scorpio) are ruled by Mars will likely make this more noticeable to you. You seem to have come up against one or two difficult bosses or clients who are a self-absorbed and say, “It’s my way or the highway” and are unwilling to compromise an inch. I want you to know this deadlock of two feisty planets will be dissolving, and as it does, life will improve.

Next comes the full moon in Cancer on January 13, and this will bring a home or family situation to culmination. Mars will be conjunct the full moon, so you will swing into action quickly, and there may be some noise or commotion at home at the time. Uranus will be beautifully angled to the Sun in a trine (the most harmonious aspect possible). This suggests you will get good news about your home or other property or from a member of your family—allow five days beyond January 13 to receive the message of this full moon.

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