Your January 2025 Horoscope for Aquarius
by Susan MillerWhen you think about health, if you feel you would benefit by seeing a therapist to talk over a matter that has been on your mind, do so without delay. The December 30 new moon lit your twelfth house, which, among other things, covers healing and the well-being of your subconscious mind. You can reach out for help and find comfort if you act early in the month. That new moon was given special beneficial help from Saturn, your ancient ruler (prior to the discovery of Uranus), and modern astrologers look at both planets when studying your horoscope.
If you have been thinking about adding a little kitten or dog to your household, the full moon of January 13 would be an ideal time to choose your new pet. If you already have a pet, you might want to stock up on a few new toys for him or devote more time playing together. You might want to get a video cam to keep an eye on your little furry creature while you are away at work. Ancient astrologers were wise to have the sixth house of health also cover small domestic animals, for modern experts say that pets can have a very beneficial effect on their owners.
Uranus, your modern-day ruler, will be beautifully aspected to the full moon of January 13 and will work to bring you a welcome surprise in matters of your job, health, or your relationship to a pet (or all three).
If you need to hire an assistant to help you in your office or in your personal life, such as a nanny, regular babysitter, mother’s helper, housekeeper, or gardener (as some examples), you will find superb candidates to choose from if you start looking soon. Plan to announce your choice of candidate between January 13 and January 18.