Aquarius Horoscope for February 2025

Monthly News from Susan Miller


Dear Reader,

February will bring two amazingly positive new moons. One just appeared on January 29 in Aquarius and arrived with a crown of stars—the Sun, new moon, Pluto, and Mercury—all twinkling in Aquarius. The best part is that good-fortune Jupiter in Gemini will send a fantastic “trine” beam to that new moon, showering you with dazzling good fortune in the place of your chart that hosted that new moon, and that influence will last a long time. When you read my forecast, you will find out where that new moon arrived for your sign and have an idea of how best to use that golden liquid energy.

I wrote in depth about that January 29 new moon in your January forecast, and many readers noticed and were excited to get a preview of February. A new moon affects you for five months, and is especially strong in the approximately 10 days that follow a news moon’s appearance. As you will see in your February report, that January 29 new moon will bring you through nearly the first half of February.

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Your February 2025 Horoscope for Aquarius

by Susan Miller

It is birthday time, and many of the little planets are jumping up and down in celebration of you. They are crowded into your first house of personality—you have Pluto, Mercury, the Sun, and new moon all in Aquarius. All these celestial bodies are glittering and gathered together there to wish you the best. The new moon of January 29 set off this celebration.

Jupiter, the planet of gifts and luck, wanted to attend, but was too far away from Aquarius, working on an assignment in Gemini. Instead, Jupiter sent you something even more special. On the new moon January 29, he beams your annual birthday new moon and the lovely moon’s partner the Sun a shimmering golden ray from his perch in your fifth house of true love, enchantment, and pure happiness.

Jupiter has not been in your house of true love for 12 years. Jupiter first entered Gemini last year on May 25, 2024, and is set to stay until June 9, 2025. You do have to be part of this, as astrology is not about predestination. You need to show the universe your intent and desire and make an effort to fulfill it. If you do, with your gleaming aspects, Jupiter will rush in to help you.

If you feel that Jupiter has not worked hard enough for you lately, you are right—Jupiter’s been in weak retrograde position since October 9 but will turn direct February 4. This is superb news! You might meet two interesting love interests these days—with Jupiter in the sign of the Twins (Gemini), meeting two is not only possible, but likely!

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